It is common to find mold in bathrooms, attics, or basements in most households. These rooms are usually high in humidity or wet. This is what helps mold grow in those dark corners of your bathroom. However, mold also regularly grows in the kitchen where it is much more dangerous because it is the place where you eat, cook, and store your food. And, you probably already know how dangerous this fungus can be, especially if you ingest it or inhale it. This is why it is so important to get rid of it from your home.
Unfortunately, the fight against this fungus is never simple or easy. No matter how much you reduce the humidity in your kitchen or bathroom, it is still there stuck in the dark corners and spreading. I have tried all of those “quick and easy” solutions, but none of them are guaranteed that they will work. And, they didn’t.
To truly get rid of this fungus from your kitchen, it is vital to find the true source. To help you with that, I decided to write this article and tell you about the most common sources of mold in the kitchen.
The kitchen sink
The kitchen sink is the place where we wash food, plates, cutlery, pots, and pans. Usually, washing dishes results in a lot of water splashing around. Don’t worry, you are not doing anything wrong. That is completely normal. But, the water that is splashed around can get in certain dark spots of the room which could incite mold to grow. Since this fungus requires moisture and darkness to grow.
To make sure that there is no mold growing, check all the darker corners around the sink. Look for black, blue, or green spots on the wall. This is a clear sign that you have a problem.
Keep in mind, just because washing dishes is a common source of mold does not mean you should avoid doing that chore. You just need to be mindful of the possibility of mold growth, that’s it.
Under-sink leaks
Let’s say you are always careful when washing dishes and that water never splashes around, but you still have a problem with this fungus? What’s that about? Well, usually, over time, the pipes under the sink can start to leak. Either because the pipes are starting to rust or because they have been clogged with food and grease, causing the higher water pressure to move the pipes out of place. Just a few millimeters out of place can cause a leak.
As water continuously drips from the sink as you use it, moisture starts to build-up under it. Since most kitchen sinks are in an enclosed space, the darkness and the increased moisture is the perfect place for mold to grow.
Experts recommend the cabinet under the sink should be regularly cleaned and mopped to ensure there is no moisture. At least once a month is good enough to prevent fungus growth. Also, regularly check whether there is a leak.
Cabinets, fridges and pantries
A frequent place people avoid or forget cleaning are the cabinets, fridge or the pantry. Usually, these spaces are full with all kinds of stuff. Anything from food to silverware to plates to glasses, etc. This is why most of us are not to keen on cleaning these spaces. It takes a lot of time to entirely empty a cabinet or a fridge, clean it and then put everything back. Some would say even hours.
However, no matter how difficult it can be, I believe that it is vital to clean your cabinets, fridge or pantry. Behind all those products, there are dark and damp corners which are the perfecting breeding ground for mold.
I suggest cleaning these spaces at least three or four times every year. It is not a lot, but considering it is a long and demanding task, it is enough. And make sure you get those spots in the back since that is the most common spot for mold.
The microwave is probably the only safe place in your kitchen safe from mold, right? The radiation inside of this machine should kill any kind of bacteria or fungus. That makes sense, but it is not actually true. The radiation is actually not enough to deal with fungus such as mold, making it a great location for it to grow.
If you want your microwave to last, make sure to keep it always clean.
Behind the fridge
Another great spot for mold has to be behind the fridge. This is that space in everyone’s home that is never exposed to any kind of light, and even less sunlight. No sunlight equals the growth of fungus. Back there, it is hot, humid, and dark. There really isn’t anything you can do about it to prevent the growth of mildew.
However, you could start cleaning the back of the fridge at least once every few weeks. Check for any black or green spots. The earlier you catch the mildew, the easier it is to stop. Once it has spread to a larger surface area, you will have a much harder time getting rid of it.
Trash cans
With everything I mentioned above, I think it is quite obvious that the trash can is probably the best place in your entire home for the growth of mold. Just think about it. It is always dark inside since you open it only a couple of times throughout the day. It is hot and humid inside with high levels of moisture because we throw all kinds of foods and liquids in it. The things we throw in it is a feast for the fungus.
From the trash can, the fungus can then start spreading to other locations, turning the trash a huge risk in your kitchen. This is why I would recommend regular cleaning of the trash can.
As you can see, there are a lot of common sources of mold in the kitchen, but if you take the necessary measures, you will be safe.